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February 24, 2007

Other side of the coin (Extra terrestrial Beings)

Thanks to Siva’s article Extra terrestrial Beings which inspired me to write this.

To say that aliens do not exist b’cos u haven’t seen one sounds at best agnostic. Earth is a small part of our solar system which itself is a very incredibly smaller dot in the Milky Way which again is one among the millions of galaxies that exist. Don’t u think it is tremendous coincidence for earth to be the only planet which entertains life? What proof do we have to believe so?

What was once a science fiction is today a reality and when we could have evolved with same tremendous unfathomable coincidence from a single celled amoeba to man, the self proclaimed leader of the this world and universe, why do we state such a coincidence could not have happened anywhere else? With what arrogance can (hu) man declare that he is the supreme lord and anybody more advanced than him could be nothing more than fiction?

Sidney Sheldon’s ‘Doomsday Conspiracy’ is based on a real life incident that had happened and had been dismissed by the pentagon as ‘a missing weather balloon’. In the epilogue Sidney Sheldon also stated about the various incidents that had happened around the world and the mysterious circumstances through which people involved in it went missing.

Independence Day also talks about this weather balloon incident and then the attack was on the entire world and not just in US and so was in Manoj Shyamalan’s ‘Signs.’

BBC (or may be discovery channel) had run a two series show about these extra terrestrial beings. One supported their existence and other highlighted and doubted some of the evidences that were showcased. I do not deny the fact that there are scores of people who want to encash on the popularity that such things bring. While dismissing those evidences as fake we must not deny the fact that such a possibility exists and amidst the fake evidences we have unmistakable proofs too and highly clandestine circumstances around a few incidents.

I am not saying they exist. And I am not saying that they don’t. But I wouldn’t deny it as crap for sure.


Siva Sivaaa said...

Oops!! I deleted my last post accidentally while I was dead drunk and fiddling with blogger. Priya, do you remember the contents of the previous post? Well, I don't- except for the aliens are crap part ;)

P.S->Gosh, I must stop drinking.

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